Fall 2011 Board Meeting - September 13-14, 2011
September 13-14, 2011
Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
- DOE Plans for Research and Development related to Used-Fuel Disposition
- Agenda - September 13-14, 2011 (pdf - 126KB)
- Fall 2011 Board Meeting (pdf - 29KB)
- September 13, 2011 Transcript (pdf - 443KB)
- September 14, 2011 Transcript (pdf - 423KB)
- John Montgomery, DOE; Preservation of Yucca Mountain Project Documents (pdf - 2MB)
- William Boyle, DOE; Overview of the DOE-NE Used Fuel Disposition (R&D) Program (pdf - 166KB)
- Peter Swift, SNL; Basis for Identification of Disposal Options for Research and Development (pdf - 1.2MB)
- Mark Nutt, ANL; Used Fuel Disposition Campaign Disposal R&D Roadmap Overview (pdf - 620KB)
- Scott Painter, LANL; Development of Discrete Fracture Network Modeling Capability (pdf - 1.6MB)
- Jens Birkholzer, LBNL; R&D Activities Supporting Disposal in Clay/Shale Repositories (pdf - 2.4MB)
- Brady Hanson, PNNL; Gap Analysis to Support Extended Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel (pdf - 1.3MB)
- Paul McConnell, SNL; Fuel Cycle Technologies Program Transportation R&D (pdf - 1.2MB)
- John Wagner, ORNL; Engineering Analysis to Support Extended Storage and Transportation of Used Nuclear Fuel (pdf - 495KB)
- Ward Sproat, DOE; Perspective on BRC Draft Report (pdf - 48KB)
- John Kessler, EPRI; Extended Storage: Research Perspective (pdf - 576KB)
- Adam Levin, Exelon Corporation; An Alternate Approach Towards Addressing the Technical Issues for Long-Term On-Site Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel (pdf - 82KB)
- Wolfgang Faber, E. On-Kernkraft; EON Operational Experience (pdf - 1MB)
- Wolfgang Faber, E. On-Kernkraft; Additional Slides (pdf - 261KB)
- Patrice Fortier, Trans Nuclear Corporation; Overview of Used Fuel Transport Casks (pdf - 2.9MB)
- Daniel Stout, TVA; TVA's Consideration of the Use of MOX to Fuel its Nuclear Reactors (pdf - 605KB)