The Board provides a letter summarizing a small number of broad observations on a successful program for managing the nation’s spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. The Board presents its observations to the Congress and the Secretary of Energy in formal terms as a finding, two conclusions, and a recommendation. Additional information supporting the bases for these points is provided in an attachment to the letter
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Material on this page includes letters from the Board to the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) concerning issues raised at Board meetings, and letters from the DOE responding to the Board’s concerns. Also included are some letters from Board responses to Members of Congress, stakeholder groups, and members of the public.
September 18, 2024 letter from Dr. Michael Goff, DOE-NE, responding to the Board's letter with comments following the International Workshop on Siting of Radioactive Waste Facilities and the Summer Board Meeting held on August 29-30, 2023.
September 9, 2024 letter from Dr. Michael Goff, DOE-NE, responding to the Board's letter with comments following the Spring 2023 Board Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
May 28, 2024, Board letter to Dr. Michael Goff, DOE-NE, regarding DOE research on high burnup spent nuclear fuel (SNF), as a follow-up to the Board’s report on high burnup SNF (July 2021) and a staff-staff fact-finding meeting with DOE-NE staff, February 28, 2024.
April 24, 2024, letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE-NE, on the topics discussed during the International Workshop on Siting of Radioactive Waste Facilities and the Summer Board Meeting held on August 29-30, 2023, in Idaho Falls, Idaho. With forwarding letters to Congress.
August 21, 2023 letter from Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE-NE, responding to the Board's letter with comments following the Summer 2022 Board Meeting held on September 13-14, 2022.
August 24, 2023 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Winter 2023 Board Meeting held on March 28, 2023.
July 5, 2023 letter from Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE; responding to the Board's letter with comments following the Board's 2022 Winter Meeting held on March 1-2, 2022.
December 14, 2022, letter from Dr. Jean Bahr with comments following the Board's 2022 Fall meeting held on September 13-14, 2022, to Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE
September 28, 2022 letter from Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE; responding to the Board's letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Board's 2021 Fall meeting held on November 3-4, 2021.
July 6, 2022 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff
June 8, 2022 letter from Dr. Kathryn Huff, DOE; responding to the Board's April 2021 Six Overarching Recommendations For How To Move The Nation's Nuclear Waste Management Program Forward report
June 7, 2022 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Board's 2022 Winter Meeting held on March 1-2, 2022.
January 7, 2022 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Board's 2021 Fall meeting held on November 3-4, 2021.
December 30, 2021 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Board's December 2-3, 2020 meeting
October 14, 2021 Board letter to Mr. Ike White with comments from the Board's Summer 2021 Meeting held on August 24, 2021.
August 12, 2021 Board letter to Dr. Kathryn Huff with comments following the Board's Spring 2021 Meeting held on May 12-13, 2021.
July 22, 2021 Board letter to Dr. Kathyrn Huff following July 13, 2021 briefing on Board's role and Board's "Six Recommendations" report.
April 8, 2021 Board letter to The Honorable Jennifer Granholm requesting a meeting to discuss the Board’s report Six Overarching Recommendations for How to Move the Nation’s Nuclear Waste Management Program Forward
January 11, 2021 Board letter to The Honorable Rita Baranwal with comments following the Board's Summer 2020 Meeting held on July 27-28, 2020.