Panel on Performance Assessment and Panel on Repository Meeting - June 20-21, 2001
June 20-21, 2001
Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas, NV
- Supplemental Science and Performance Analyses
- Agenda - June 20-21, 2001 (pdf - 120KB)
- Meeting on the Panel on Performance Assessment and Panel on the Repository - 2001 (pdf - 114KB)
- June 20, 2001 Transcript (pdf - 354KB)
- June 21, 2001 Transcript (pdf - 561KB)
- Steve Brocoum and William Boyle, YMSCO; Introduction: Goals and Objectives of Supplemental Science and Performance Analyses (pdf - 234KB)
- Rob Howard, BSC; Scope, Content, Summary of SSPA Volume 1: Scientific Basis and Analyses (pdf - 1.2MB)
- Bob MacKinnon, BSC/SNL; Engineered Barrier System Coupled Process Components (pdf - 1.1MB)
- Peter Swift, SNL; Scope, Content, Summary, Results of SSPA Volume 2: Performance Analyses (pdf - 2.1MB)
- Bo Bodvarsson, LBNL; Unsaturated Zone (UZ) and Near-Field Environment Thermally Driven Coupled-Process Components (pdf - 2.7MB)
- Greg Gdowski, BSC/LLNL; Waste Package Corrosion Process Components (pdf - 433KB)
- Joon Lee, BSC/SNL; Effects of Quantified Uncertainties of Corrosion Models on Waste Package Performance (pdf - 649KB)
- Pat Brady, BSC/SNL; Waste Form Process Components (pdf - 260KB)
- Jim Houseworth, BSC/LBNL; Unsaturated Zone Transport (pdf - 1MB)
- Bruce Robinson, BSC/LANL; Saturated Zone Process Components (pdf - 1.4MB)
- Robert Andrews, BSC; Integration of Supplemental Science Analyses and Models into the Supplemental TSPA Model (pdf - 424KB)
- Mike Wilson, BSC/SNL; TSPA Analyses and Results (pdf - 895KB)
- Kevin Coppersmith, BSC/Coppersmith Consulting, Inc.; Evaluation of Unquantified Uncertainties and Conservatism (pdf - 1.5MB)
- Gerald Gordon, BSC; Evaluation of Corrosion Processes: Summary of Current Status and Approach for Extrapolation to Long Times (pdf - 1.7MB)
- James Blink, BSC/LLNL; Evaluation of a Range of Operating Modes (pdf - 2.1MB)
- Ardyth Simmons, BSC/LBNL; Development of Multiple Lines of Evidence for SSPA (pdf - 370KB)
- William Boyle, YMSCO; Conclusions (pdf - 122KB)
- Public Comments submitted by Tom McGowan (pdf - 890KB)
- NWTRB letter to Stephan Brocoum, YMSCO (July 2, 2001) (pdf - 57KB)