Spring 1994 Board Meeting - April 11-12, 1994
April 11-12, 1994
Reno, NV
Reno, NV
- Use of Science in Site Assessment
- Saturated Zone Hydrology
- Site Characterization Update
- Agenda - April 11-12, 1994 (pdf - 125KB)
- Spring 1994 Board Meeting (pdf - 13KB)
- April 11, 1994 Transcript (pdf - 408KB)
- April 12, 1994 Transcript (pdf - 358KB)
- William Hall - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility (pdf - 777KB)
- Fred Snider - Lessons Learned: Activities of the Illinois LLRW Siting Commission (pdf - 159KB)
- Wendell Weart - Lessons Learned During Site Characterization (pdf - 183KB)
- Klaus Kuhn - Gorleben - Insights from Site Characterization of a Proposed High-Level Waste Repository at Gorleben, Federal Republic of Germany (pdf - 679KB)
- Walter Harris - Siting a Hazardous Waste Facility (pdf - 556KB)
- Lloyd Cluff - Managing Critical Safety Projects to Avoid "Entrenched Warfare" (pdf - 857KB)
- James Devine - Science Controversy in the Siting of Large Engineering Projects (pdf - 238KB)
- Lake Barrett - Administration Funding Proposal: Introduction (pdf - 379KB)
- Stephan Brocoum - Administration Funding Proposal: Description (pdf - 600KB)
- Russ Patterson - Overview of Saturated Zone Hydrology Studies (pdf - 368KB)
- Richard Luckey - USGS/LANL/LBL Saturated-Zone Hydrology Studies (pdf - 375KB)
- Zell Peterman - Strontium and Uranium Isotopes in Unsaturated Zone Fracture Fillings and UZ-14 Water (pdf - 882KB)
- William Steinkampf - Saturated-Zone Water Chemistry, to Date (pdf - 439KB)
- Michael Wilson - The Role of the Saturated Zone in Waste Isolation (pdf - 147KB)
- Jean Younker - Approaches for Evaluating Ground-Water Travel Time (pdf - 298KB)
- Linda Lehman - Alternate Conceptual Models in the Saturated Zone at Yucca Mountain (pdf - 732KB)
- Richard Spengler - Structural Characteristics within the Potential Repository Area: Recent Findings - Future Studies (pdf - 1.5MB)
- Robert Sandifer - Exploratory Studies Facility Status (pdf - 3.4MB)
- Dean Stucker - Focused MGDS - ACD Status and Update on Thermal Loading Systems Study (pdf - 6.3MB)