Summer 1998 Board Meeting - June 24, 1998
June 24, 1998
Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas, NV
- Waste Package and Repository Design Alternatives
- Agenda - June 24, 1998 (pdf - 29KB)
- Summer 1998 Board Meeting (pdf - 100KB)
- June 24, 1998 Transcript (pdf - 577KB)
- Lake Barrett, OCRWM; Status of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program (pdf - 271KB)
- Russell Dyer, YMSCPO; Repository Safety Strategy: Managing and Establishing Priorities (pdf - 3.1MB)
- Robert Andrews, M&O; Viability Assessment Total System Performance Assessment - Summary of Results and Sensitivity Analyses (pdf - 8.3MB)
- Michael Voegele, M&O; Repository Design Alternatives (pdf - 264KB)
- Jack Bailey, M&O; Post Closure Safety Case (pdf - 341KB)
- Jean Younker, M&O; Work Remaining to Complete SR/LA (pdf - 246KB)
- Wendy Dixon, YMSCPO; Perspectives on EIS Implementing Alternatives (pdf - 282KB)
- Nick Stellavato, Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office; Nye County Early Warning Drilling Program Update (pdf - 8.8MB)
- NWTRB lettter to Mr. Lake H. Barrett, Acting Director, OCRWM (July 30, 1998) (pdf - 13KB)