Summer 2014 Board Meeting - August 6, 2014
August 6, 2014
Idaho Falls, ID
Idaho Falls, ID
- Agenda - August 6, 2014 (pdf - 162KB)
- Summer 2014 Board Meeting (pdf - 36KB)
- August 6, 2014 Transcript (pdf - 374KB)
- Gary DeLeon, DOE; Overview of DOE Spent Nuclear Fuel Management (pdf - 3MB)
- Roger McCormack, CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company; Multi-Canister Overpack (pdf - 2MB)
- Brett Carlsen, Idaho National Laboratory; Status of Work Done to Date on Standard Canisters and Multi-Canister Overpacks (pdf - 2.2MB)
- Brett Carlsen, Idaho National Laboratory; Multi-Canister Overpack Fragility Analysis - Background and Status (pdf - 504KB)
- Barbara Beller, DOE; Presentation to the NWTRB: Fuel Drying Activities by the Environmental Management Program at Idaho National Laboratory (pdf - 1.9MB)
- Roger McCormack, CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company; Hanford Multi-Canister Overpack Drying (pdf - 1MB)
- William Boyle, DOE; FY14 DOE R&D in Support of the High Burnup Dry Storage Cask R&D Project (pdf - 1.2MB)
- Barbara Beller - Presentation to the NWTRB: Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel at the Idaho National Laboratory - Office of Environmental Management (pdf - 1.8MB)
- Mark Shaw, DOE; HLW Management at the INL (pdf - 745KB)
- Lance Lacroix, DOE; Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and High Level Waste Form Development at the Idaho National Laboratory (pdf - 378KB)
- Barbara Beller - Presentation to the NWTRB: Management of Aging Storage Facilities and Spent Nuclear Fuel (pdf - 1.9MB)
- Roger McCormack, CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company; Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Facility Aging (pdf - 701KB)
- Barbara Beller, DOE; Presentation to the NWTRB: Examination and Transportation of Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel (pdf - 1.2MB)
- Questions on Topics of the Summer 2014 Board Meeting (pdf - 49KB)
- Public Comment from Gary Duarte (pdf - 249KB)
- Public comment from Darryl Siemer (pdf - 433KB)
- Letter to Dr. Peter Lyons (October 10, 2014) (pdf - 2.8MB)
- Letter to Mark Whitney (October 10, 2014) (pdf - 3.7MB)