January 10, 2020 Board letter to Mr. William White requesting more interaction between DOE Office of Environmental Management and the Board.
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Material on this page includes letters from the Board to the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) concerning issues raised at Board meetings, and letters from the DOE responding to the Board’s concerns. Also included are some letters from Board responses to Members of Congress, stakeholder groups, and members of the public.
Board letter to The Honorable Rita Baranwal and Mr. William White with comments following the Board's Fall 2019 meeting held on November 19, 2019.
November 27, 2018 Board thank you letter following October 2018 WIPP tour
November 27, 2018 letter with comments and observations following the Board's October 24, 2018 meeting on research and development (R&D) activities related to managing and disposing of commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF).
On June 27, 2018, the Board sent a letter to DOE with comments and observations following the Board's June 13, 2018, meeting on technical issues to be addressed in preparing for a nationwide effort to transport spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive wastes.
November 7, 2017, letter from the Board to Mr. Edward McGinnis with comments from the Board's review of the September 15, 2017 report, "EPRI/DOE High-Burnup Fuel Sister Rod Test Plan Simplification and Visualization”, SAND2017-10310 R, September 15, 2017
August 25, 2017, letter from the Board to Mr. Edward McGinnis with comments from the Board's review of the June 21, 2017, combined Post Irradiation Examination test plan "EPRI/DOE High Burnup Fuel Sister Pin Test Plan Simplification and Visualization" (SAND2017-7597, July 2017)
August 16, 2017 letter from the Board to Mr. James Owendoff and Mr. Edward McGinnis following the Board's June 21, 2017, meeting on DOE activities related to high-level radioactive waste glass corrosion
December 8, 2016 Board letter to Dr. Monica Regalbuto and Mr. John Kotek with comments following the Board's August 24, 2016, meeting on integration of DOE activities related to transporting and disposing of SNF and HLW
December 7, 2016 letter to Mr. John Kotek expressing thanks for the participation of DOE personnel in fact-finding meetings held to clarify information from the Board's February 17, 2016, meetings on high-burnup SNF.
June 9, 2016 letter from John Kotek, DOE; responding to the Board's Report on DOE Deep Borehole R&D Program and the July 7, 2016 Board's response to John Kotek's letter
June 3, 2016 Board letter to Mr. John Kotek with comments on the "Post Irradiation Plan for High Burnup Demonstration Project Sister Rods"
May 23, 2016 Board letter to Mr. John Kotek with comments from the Board's Meeting held February 17, 2016 on R&D on High Burnup Spent Nuclear Fuel Performance During Storage and Transportation
August 31, 2015 Board letter to Mr. John Kotek with comments following the Board's June 24, 2015 Meeting on Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel and January 27, 2016, DOE response to Board letter
January 22, 2015 Board letter to Mr. Mark Whitney with comments following the Board's October 29, 2014 Meeting on Vitrification of HLW, Storage of Vitrified HLW, and Processing of DOE SNF
October 10, 2014 Board letters to Dr. Peter Lyons and Mr. Mark Whitney with comments following the Board's August 6, 2014 meeting
June 5, 2014 Board letter to Dr. Peter Lyons with comments on long-term dry storage of high burnup spent nuclear fuel
June 4, 2014 Board letter to Dr. Peter Lyons and Mr. David Huizenga with comments from the Board's March 19, 2014 meeting on DOE R&D Related to Salt as a Geologic Medium for Disposal of SNF and HLW
January 29, 2014 Board letter to Dr. Peter Lyons with comments following the November 20, 2013, Board meeting on DOE Research and Development Related to Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Management
September 16, 2013 letter to The Honorable Rodney Frelinghuysen thanking him for the opportunity to testify before the Subcommitte on Energy and Water Development on April 11, 2013