July 31, 2008 follow up letter from Robert Loux to Dr. John Garrick on drip shields
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Material on this page includes letters from the Board to the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) concerning issues raised at Board meetings, and letters from the DOE responding to the Board’s concerns. Also included are some letters from Board responses to Members of Congress, stakeholder groups, and members of the public.
January 16, 2008 Board letter to Edward Sproat with comments following the September 19, 2007 Board meeting
August 13, 2007 letter from Edward Sproat, DOE with a response to the Board's concerns from 2006 Report to the U.S. Congress and the Secretary of Energy
July 10, 2007 Board letter with comments regarding the effects of organic materials on nitrate/chloride ratios
April 19, 2007 Board letter to Edward Sproat with comments from the Board's January 24, 2007 meeting
February 13, 2007 letter to Secretary Bodman following the January 2007 Board meeting
January 12, 2007 letter to Edward Sproat with comments on the Board's September 25-26, 2006 Corrosion Workshop
DOE responds to the Board's January 12, 2007 letter
December 14, 2006 letter to Edward Sproat with comments on the Board's September 27, 2006 Board meeting on the Yucca Mountain Safety Case
June 14, 2006 letter to Paul Golan with comments on the May 9, 2006 Board meeting on Transport, Aging, and Disposal (TAD) Canister Concept and
August 21, 2006 letter from DOE in response to the Board's June 14, 2006 letter
Board letter to Paul Golan with comments following the Board's February 1, 2006 Board Meeting on processes affecting radionuclide transport and May 5, 2006 letter in response to the Board's March 6, 2006 letter
January 24, 2006 letter from Harry Swainston to Chairman Dr. Garrick in regards to upwelling of plumes
December 19, 2005 letter to Paul Golan following the November 8-9, 2005 Board Meeting
May 27, 2005 letter from Daryle Bush to President Bush resigning from the Board
April 19, 2005 letter to Theodore Garrish with comments following the Board's February 9-10, 2005 Board Meeting
April 14, 2005 letter from The Honorable Jon Porter with follow-up questions from hearing to be answered by the Board
December 1, 2004 letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's October 13-14, 2004 Waste Management System Panel meeting
November 30, 2004 letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments on the Board's September 20, 2004 Board Meeting
August 11, 2004 letter to The Honorable John M. Shimkus with responses to questions from a hearing held on March 25, 2004
July 28, 2004 letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's May 18-19, 2004 Board meeting