May 3, 2004 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's March 9-10, 2004 Panel meeting on the natural system
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Material on this page includes letters from the Board to the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) concerning issues raised at Board meetings, and letters from the DOE responding to the Board’s concerns. Also included are some letters from Board responses to Members of Congress, stakeholder groups, and members of the public.
April 5, 2004 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's January 20, 2004 Panel meeting on the engineered system
March 29, 2004 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's January 21, 2004 Panel meeting on transportation
January 15, 2004 letter to President Bush from Paul Craig resigning from the Board
December 30, 2003 letter to President Bush from Michael Corradini resigning from the Board
December 16, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's September 16-17, 2003 Fall Board Meeting
December 4, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu discussing topics for Board's January 2004 Panel meetings
November 25, 2003 letter from Robert Loux to the Board requesting a careful review of internal criticality risk at Yucca Mountain
November 25, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu transmitting the Board's Technical Report, "An Evaluation of Key Elements in the U.S. Department of Energy's Proposed System for Isolating and Containing Radioactive Waste"
October 27, 2003 letter from Harry Swainston transmitting a report, "Review of the Report: 'Thermochronological Evolution of Calcite Formation at the Potential Yucca Mountain Repository Site, Nevada'"
October 21, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu discussing the Board's concerns about corrosion during the thermal pulse
June 30, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's May 13-14, 2003 Board meeting
June 27, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's February 24, 2003 Panel meeting on seismic issues
April 30, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's February 25, 2003 panel meeting on transportation issues
March 5, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's January 28, 2003 Board Meeting
February 20, 2003 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments on thermal loading
January 6, 2003 letter to President George W. Bush from Debra Knopman resigning from the Board
November 22, 2002 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's September 10, 2002 Fall Board Meeting
November 7, 2002 letter from Judy Triechel to the Board regarding recent changes in the Board's make-up
June 20, 2002 Board letter to Dr. Margaret Chu with comments following the Board's May 7--8, 2002 Spring Board Meeting