Report to Congress and the Secretary of Energy (April 1999)
In this report, the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Board) summarizes its major activities during calendar year 1998. The report discusses the research needs identified in the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) recently issued Viability Assessment of the Yucca Mountain site, including plans to gather information on the amount of water that will eventually seep into repository drifts, whether formations under the repository will retard the migration of radionuclides, the flow-and-transport properties of the groundwater that lies approximately 200 meters beneath the repository horizon, and long-term corrosion rates of materials that may be used for the waste packages. The report describes other activities undertaken by the Board in 1998, including a review of the hypothesis that there were hydrothermal upwellings at Yucca Mountain, a workshop held to increase understanding of the range of expert opinion on waste package materials, and a review of the DOE’s draft environmental impact statement for the Yucca Mountain site.
- Report to Congress and the Secretary of Energy (1999) (pdf - 3.1MB)