Report to the U.S. Congress and the Secretary of Energy: 1997 Findings and Recommendations (April 1998)
This report details the Board’s activities in 1997 and covers, among other things, the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) viability assessment, due later this year; underground exploration of the candidate repository site at Yucca Mountain, Nevada; thermal testing underway at the site; what happens when radioactive waste reaches the water table beneath Yucca Mountain; transportation of spent fuel; and the use of expert judgment. The Board makes four recommendations in the report concerning (1) the need for the DOE to begin now to develop alternative design concepts for a repository, (2) the need for the DOE to include estimates of the likely variation in doses for alternative candidate critical groups in its interim performance measure for Yucca Mountain, (3) the need for the DOE to evaluate whether site-specific biosphere data is needed for license application, and (4) the need for the DOE to make full and effective use of formally elicited expert judgment.