Review of U.S. Department of Energy Activities to Preserve Records Created by the Yucca Mountain Repository Project (August 2013)
In August 2013, the Board submitted this Report, Review of U.S. Department of Energy’s Activities to Preserve Records Created by the Yucca Mountain Repository Project, on the Board’s evaluation of Department of Energy (DOE) activities related to archiving and preserving materials developed over almost 30 years by the Yucca Mountain repository project. In 2010, funding for Yucca Mountain was eliminated, and DOE notified the NRC of its intention to withdraw the Yucca Mountain license application. At that point, responsibility for archiving and preserving Yucca Mountain scientific and engineering information was transferred to DOE’s Office of Legacy Management. The Board began evaluating DOE activities related to archiving and preserving Yucca Mountain data and information in 2010, as part of its ongoing technical and scientific review and in response to direction by the House Committee on Appropriations.